
Raising My Voice With Translation in Thailand

BANGKOK, Thailand, 14 December 2014 — On the second day of our four-day workshop, I shot this scene of Ying Panyapon, translating my English into the Thai language. It’s a process that adds a critical element to my workshops, as people in many of the countries where I conduct the events don’t always speak English.

You can see the video HERE.

Because I’m fluent in Spanish I can deliver the workshops anywhere in Latin America without a translator, but Thailand is another story. Although the process can be time-consuming, translation is worth the extra effort to be able to reach this audience of students in this part of the world.

There is something at work here deeper than simply putting on a video workshop. It’s more than just teaching a skill. Or a craft.

These events have become part of my mission and my purpose. In addition to the skill or the craft, I’m teaching people how to find and to cultivate community, how to have greater voice, how to RAISE their voices to have an impact. To make a difference.

I don’t know that I could put in the long, hard hours if there were no altruistic motive in play. Click HERE to see more.

