
Backpack Documentary Expedition Records Housebuilding

TICUANTEPE, Nicaragua, 27 June 2011 — Paloma Jackson, one of two students participating in the “Backpack Documentary Expedition: Nicaragua,” takes aim at U.S. volunteers who are here building four houses as part of their mission with Bridges to Community, an NGO based in New York State. Some 30 volunteers are working in Ticuantepe with Bridges and with members of the local population. Also participating in the Expedition to learn the craft that we refer to as backpack journalism is Martha Dodge.

TICUANTEPE, Nicaragua, 27 June 2011 — U.S. volunteers associated with Bridges to Community work deep into the evening on their first day of house-building in this tiny community near the capital of Managua.

(Photos by Bill Gentile.)
