
Backpack Journalism™ at Inter-American Defense College

WASHINGTON, 7 January 2010 — At the request of a colleague from American University, I gave a presentation today at the Inter-American Defense College at Fort McNair, in Washington, DC.

I focused the presentation on media and the military, as the attendees are representatives of armed forces from Latin America and the Caribbean. (I gave the presentation in Spanish.) And I took the opportunity to discuss backpack journalism™ and how that model is so appropriate for covering police and military operations.

I showed my film, “Afghanistan: The Forgotten War,” aired by NOW on PBS, as an example of the model. With the hand-held digital cameras that are the signature of backpack journalism™, we can cover fast-moving military operations and not hinder the forces we are covering.

Above on left, I discuss the presentation with some of the attendees. (Photo by Darrell Hayes.)
