
New Backpack Journalism Workshop Photos

WASHINGTON, DC, 18 January 2011 — I’m finally catching up to posting material generated during our December Backpack Journalism Workshop at Maryland Public Television. That’s Andrea Boston in the center, with Esther Gentile looking over her shoulder and Don Sladkin on the left. I’m on the right giving instruction.

(Photos by Kelly Donnellan, Esther Gentile and Bill Gentile.)

The next workshop is scheduled for 10-13 March 2011.

Above left is Krystal Dell. On the right is Anne Sieling.

Above right is Don Sladkin. In background is Dr. Richard Presser.

Above is Dr. Richard Presser with Don Sladkin in background.

Above, Esther Gentile with Steve Kulberg. Anne Sieling and Krystal Dell in background.

Above, Kelly Donnellan instructs Patrick Lucas.

Above, Krystal Dell.

Above, I (Bill Gentile) instruct Andrea Boston as Esther looks on.

Above, the group is hard at work.
