
Backpack Journalism Moves to New Level

WASHINGTON, DC, 15 June 2012 — Bruce Jones is upstairs getting ready for his two-day workshop. My Web guy, Nick Ray, was here last night for dinner and should be back around 8:30 this morning. My youngest brother, Rob, is on a flight from North Carolina to DC and hopefully arriving soon. Bryant Cook, my brother’s Web guy, arrived last night. My wife, Esther, will be joining us as much as her schedule allows.

Bruce is here from Boston. I asked him to conduct a two-day “Backpack Journalism Workshop: Brainstorming, Ideas, Actions.” Bruce was a member of my very first Backpack Journalism Workshop at the American Film Institute (AFI) in Silver Spring, Md. And we’ve been working together ever since.

I asked Bruce to conduct a workshop here today and tomorrow so that I could take this whole endeavor to another level: to reach more people; to spread the word farther and wider; to broaden and to strengthen the base of people out there who can practice the craft — properly — that we refer to as “backpack journalism.”

Should be a fun two days, so join us.

