
Reviewer Discusses “Gentile” Craft of Visual Journalism

WASHINGTON, DC, 24 February 2013 — Here’s what one Amazon reviewer wrote of my new Essential Video Journalism Field Manual:

“For anyone lucky enough like me to have been in one of Bill Gentile’s video storytelling workshops, this new Field Manual will bring that inspiring experience alive again. For professionals who already tell stories visually or newbies who have the deep craving to learn to tell them well, this little 147 page baby might have a big impact on you and your craft. With his six-shot system, ten video tips checklist, twenty-seven Gentile rules, and almost a handful of release forms, you get a lot in such a little package to help you bring back highly editable footage. And if you don’t have the footage, you can’t tell the story.”

To read the entire review, by Larry Rosenstrauch, click HERE.

