
Video Journalism Workshops: Giving Back

WASHINGTON, DC, 21 August 2012 — What you see above is largely what keeps me conducting the Video Journalism Workshops. It’s the chance to give back to the craft — and give to a new generation of practitioners. The people who come to my workshops are some of the finest people I ever have met. Honest. Committed. Talented. Eager to participate in the international dialogue that we call “journalism.” It is a true honor for me to be associated with them and to give them some practical knowledge that they can use to better the world in which we all live.

Standing from left to right are: Bill Delano, one of my first students at American University and one of the first assistants at the workshops. One of the finest and most talented young men I know, he is key to the success of these endeavors; Alexander Krstevski, one of Bill’s friends and a newcomer to the workshops and to my home; Cameron Linderman, winner of the Sgt. Sullivan Center Scholarships; Dan Sullivan, brother of Sgt. Sullivan, a U.S. Marine who died from unexplained illness after deployment to Iraq and for whom the Sullivan Center and Scholarship are named. Dan also is a former participant and current supporter of the workshop; Yi Chen, soon-to-graduate student of American University and the most recent addition to the Video Journalism Workshop With Bill Gentile team; Ray Hinojosa, of the Department of Veterans Affairs; Kylie Atwood, recent graduate of Middlebury College and new employee of CBS News in Washington, DC; Angel Gonzalez, former member of the United States Marine Corps and winner of the Sgt. Sullivan Center Scholarship; Esther Gentile, my wife and longest supporter/collaborator/assistant at the workshops; Sam Loewenberg, Harvard University Nieman Fellow and first-timer at the workshop.

Absent are workshop participants Laura Turner of the Department of Veterans Affairs; and Ursula Casabonne of the World Bank. Both had to leave before I could herd myself and the rest of the gang onto my front porch for this photo.

Seated is me, catching my breath after the deeply gratifying, and tiring, event.

