
Gentile Quick Tip #7: Keep It Clean!

Especially because we usually work alone, backpack journalists have to pay attention to every detail. There’s nobody around to run through the check list with us. So every time you pull the camera out of the bag, clean the lens. I know it sounds silly, but we get so wrapped up in the big stuff […]

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Gentile Quick Tip #6: Stay Connected. Use Headphones.

I can’t tell you how many of my backpack journalism students lose critical visual and audio information because they are not connected to their characters with headphones. Once your character is out of eye sight and you are not listening to him/her over the wireless microphone, you’ve cut yourself off not only from what’s happening […]

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Gentile Quick Tip #5: Shoot the Journey

Backpack journalists should document characters as they move from one scene to another. Always shoot the journey, be it by foot, car, plane or train. Shoot his/her feet hitting the pavement, hands on the steering wheel, face in the rear view mirror. Shoot through the windshield and out the window as the scenery passes by. […]

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Gentile Quick Tip #4: Open Your Eyes

Get accustomed to using the eyepiece instead of the display screen. You’ll be better able to tell when your subject is in focus, especially when there’s a backlight, which is a big issue with many of these hand-held cameras. Keep both eyes open. Otherwise you lose peripheral vision on the entire left side. Also, this […]

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Gentile Quick Tip #3: Don’t Just Stand There

Point your left toe toward your subject and your right toe straight out in front of you. This is the way boxers and martial arts experts stand when confronting an opponent. Watch boxing or martial arts films to see what I’m talking about — how to properly position your feet for maximum stability and maneuverability. […]

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Gentile Quick Tip #2: Make Your Body a Tripod

Backpack journalists use tripods on a limited basis, as this allows us greater mobility and less intrusiveness. So learn how to turn your body into a tripod. Turn your left hip toward your subject. With your left hand as a base holding the camera, tuck your left elbow into your left rib cage just above […]

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