
AU Abroad Students Document Old Havana

OLD HAVANA, Cuba, 2 November 2011 — AU Abroad student Cristina Khan eyes a street vendor before making a picture of him and his Che Guevara tattoo. Cristina is one of a handful of AU students taking my Photojournalism and Social Documentary class, the foundation of backpack journalism. (Photo by Bill Gentile.)

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Backpack Documentary at International Institute for Journalism

HAVANA, Cuba, 1 November 2011 — I’m in the middle of a lecture at the Jose Marti International Institute for Journalism, where I’m giving a five-day Backpack Documentary Workshop. I’m spending fall semester with a group of AU Abroad students, teaching my Photojournalism and Social Documentary class. (Photo by Heriberto Gonzalez Brito.)

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Backpack Documentary Workshop in Havana

HAVANA, Cuba, 31 October 2011 — I began a five-day Backpack Documentary Workshop at the Jose Marti International Institute for Journalism in Havana. About 25 Cubans are attending, including a half dozen or so from the provinces. All are either working professionals or journalism instructors. (Photos by Cesar Alejandro Mas.)

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Backpack Journalism at Work in Old Havana

OLD HAVANA, Cuba, 1 November 2011 — An all-female choir associated with Old Havana’s Office of the City Historian records a song recently at the St. Francis of Assisi Cathedral. The song is designed to draw attention to, and support for, research of Alzheimer’s Disease. I documented the recording session in conjunction with freelance work […]

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AU Abroad and Backpack Journalism Head to Cuban Cigar Country

VINALES, Cuba, 8 October 2011 – A Cuban tobacco farmer shows American University students how to roll cigars. At left from foreground to background are Chelsea Crandall, Dara Jackson-Garrett, Cristina Khan and Emmalee Kinard. Enrolled in the AU Abroad program, they are spending fall semester studying at Casa de las Americas, Cuba’s premier cultural institute. […]

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Backpack Journalism Workshop Ends

WASHINGTON, DC, 7 August 2011 — The Backpack Journalism Workshop ended with some very impressive work by all participants. This has been one of the best workshops that we’ve ever conducted in terms of the dynamic among participants, the flow of the four-day event and the quality of the products. In addition to the in-class […]

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