
AU Abroad Students Explore Havana, Cuba

HAVANA, Cuba, 11 September 2011 — AU Abroad students board a crowded bus to reach a church service in Centro Habana on Sunday 11 September. The AU students are spending fall semester in the Cuban capital where they are studying at Casa de las Americas, this Caribbean nation’s premier cultural center. The students are taking […]

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Backpack Journalism Workshop: The Final Hours

WASHINGTON, DC, 7 August 2011 — Ellen Tripler (left) consults with Backpack Journalism Workshop Assistant Maria Howell on final-hour changes to her documentary about organic farming. In the background is Nick Ray, another assistant to the event, which ends today. (Photo by Bill Gentile)

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Backpack Video Journalists Using Social Media

WASHINGTON, DC, 6 August 2011 — Participants in my Backpack Journalism Workshop discuss the use of social media with Internet marketing consultant Bruce Jones, whom we Skyped in from Boston. This is the third day of our four-day event. From right to left are Ellen Clegg, Jamillah Abdullah, Brendan Rohr, Ellen Tripler and Dan Sullivan. […]

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Backpack Journalists Move to Post-Production

WASHINGTON, DC, 5 August 2011 — Ellen Clegg, one of the participants in my Backpack Journalism Workshop, concentrates on editing her documentary on a horse stable in Rock Creek Park. The four-day event now is moving into its post-production phase. (Photo by Bill Gentile.)

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Backpack Journalism Workshop: The First Day

WASHINGTON, 4 August 2011 — Participants in the Backpack Journalism Workshop converse on the first of four days with Internet marketer Bruce Jones, whom we Skyped into my living room from his office in Boston. From right at the front table are Jamillah Abdullah and Ellen Tripler. At the back table from right are Brendan […]

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Backpack Documentary Expedition: Nicaragua. Going Home.

WASHINGTON, DC, 25 July 2011 — This is the ninth — and last — in a series of video snapshots, or vignettes, that I’ll be posting about our “Backpack Documentary Expedition: Nicaragua.” These are unedited but mostly chronological clips that I was able to produce while conducting the event from 24 June through 3 July […]

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