
Former USA Today Video Chief Reviews Field Manual

WASHINGTON, DC, 14 June 2013 — Sam Meddis, the former head of USA Today’s video department in Washington, DC, reviewed my Essential Video Journalism Field Manual on, saying, “it teaches the fundamentals of the craft.” Sam, who recently retired from the newspaper business, said, “the book comes alive with teachable moments.” To read the […]

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Presenting the Craft at International Center for Journalists

WASHINGTON, DC, 13 JUNE 2013 — I gave a presentation at the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) on backpack video journalism to 21 working professionals visiting from the former Soviet Republic of Georgia. What an incredible group of motivated people eager to learn of new ways of practicing our craft. I showed them a film […]

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Guatemala Fotokids Workshop Ends

GUATEMALA CITY, Guatemala, 30 May 2013 — It’s over. My Video Journalism Workshop at Nancy McGirr’s Fotokids ended with a big ice cream cake and this group shot. Great way to end two weeks in Guatemala, the first conducting a workshop for the Thomson Reuters Foundation, and the second for Fotokids. (Photo by a camera […]

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Guatemala’s Prensa Libre Considers Video Journalism

GUATEMALA CITY, Guatemala, 29 May 2013 — Reporters, photographers and editors gather for my presentation on backpack video journalism. I was pleasantly surprised at the receptiveness at Prensa Libre, one of the largest circulation papers in the country. Many of the employees here seemed open to the idea of working the craft. I’ve been in […]

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Fotokids in Guatemala Hosts Video Journalism Workshop

GUATEMALA CITY , Guatemala, 26 May 2013 — I meet on the first day of my five-day video journalism workshop with kids belonging to Nancy McGirr’s non-profit organization, Fotokids. Founded in 1991, Fotokids is designed to break the cycle of poverty through training in visual arts and technology. ( Photo by Nancy McGirr.)  

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Reuters Workshop in Guatemala Draws to End

GUATEMALA CITY, Guatemala, 24 May 2013 — My video journalism workshop in Guatemala City ended with a group dinner of the professional journalists who participated in the event. They all produced terrific pieces, some of which I’ll be posting here, on my Facebook page, and on my YouTube and Vimeo channels. The workshop was sponsored […]

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