
Backpack Documentary Expedition: Nicaragua. La Casa.

WASHINGTON, DC, 24 July 2011 — This is the eighth in a series of video snapshots, or vignettes, unedited but mostly chronological clips that I was able to produce while conducting my “Backpack Documentary Expedition: Nicaragua,” of 24 June through 3 July 2011. This video depicts a dedication ceremony of the house (La Casa) that […]

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AU’s Backpack Journalism Project Goes to NAB in Las Vegas

WASHINGTON, DC, 5 April 2011 — I’ve accepted an invitation by Sony to lead a roundtable discussion, titled “The Backpack Journalism Project at American University,” at the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) meeting in Las Vegas this weekend. Other presenters will be representing the University of Nevada, Ball State University, Indiana Public Radio and Colorado […]

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Backpack Video Journalism Workshops in Venezuela End

CARACAS, Venezuela, 25 March 2011 — At the end of the two-day Backpack Journalism Workshop at the Catholic University Andres Bello in the Venezuelan capital, I sit for photos with my students, another newly minted group of backpack video journalists.

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Backpack Video Journalism in Caracas

CARACAS, Venezuela, 25 March 2011 — During the two-day workshop at the Catholic University Andres Bello in Caracas, I had time to walk the corridors of the institution with one of the work-study students who assisted during the event. Below, I discuss the advantages of backpack video journalism with students. (Photos by Alex Rengel.)

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American University Students at San Francisco Ocean Film Festival

PAWLEYS ISLAND, S.C., 9 March 2011 — A film made by two American University students with whom I traveled to the Galapagos Islands has been selected for screening at the San Francisco Ocean Film Festival. Mark Petruniak and Chris McMorrow are heading to California to attend the show of “La Pesca Vivencial,” which they shot […]

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Essential QuickTip #7: Hide the Lavaliere

LITCHFIELD BEACH, South Carolina, 24 November 2010 — You see it all the time. Lovely women wearing ugly lav microphones sticking out of their neck as if it were some malignant growth. Hide the thing! Go to a pharmacy and get some Moleskin tape, which you normally would apply to your heel when wearing new […]

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